Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Benefits of Fasting

There is alot of medical data that talks about the positive effects of fasting, however because we are not used to not eating for long periods of time, it can be quite confusing and intimidating for some people to accumulate all that data and actually put it into practice. Here I will cover the effects of fasting and how it will help you.

Hours, days, months and finally years go by where we just mindless put whatever we feel like into our bodies. We hardly think twice about what we eat and how it plays on our system. For as long as we crave it and it tastes good, that's usually all that matters. With this mindset, one cannot imagine how much the digestive system and the body as a whole goes through. Most of the things we eat are probably not very healthy for us and provide little if not no nutritional value at all.

Fasting comes in when we decided to put the breaks on our eating habits and jump start our whole system. By fasting you are not only giving your body a break but you are also becoming more aware of your body and what you put into it. It has a very profound detoxifying effect as it gives the body an opportunity to flush out everything that it doesn't need. This also creates a change in a persons energy levels, making them feel more grounded and calm.

The saying "You are what you eat", really comes to surface as you realize the change in the way you feel and look. After a few hours of not eating make sure you break your fasting with fresh and healthy foods that are easy to digest. Keep yourself well hydrated and indulge in various food types.

While fasting you may notice changes in your moods and emotions, this is where your mind and your body together change the notion that your food controls you, instead it controls the food. It is very healthy practice to fast a few days in a year and give your body a break from everything. It further helps you appreciate your body and create deep feelings of self love.

One must always eat to live and not live to eat, as that is when true living really happens. Stay healthy and stay happy. Happy Fasting!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Powerful Effects of Journaling

Sometimes, we may be in situations that makes us feel uncomfortable or unhappy. When we experience such emotions they need to be properly digested or released. For instance, if I am angry at someone or something, the feeling of anger if not released will accumulate in my physical body. Since I have done this once, I will continue to repress my feelings of anger until one day when I will feel physically unwell and be diagnosed with some serious type of disease or sickness.

Whenever we are physically unwell be sure that its is caused my some emotional or mental imbalance or block that manifested itself in physical form. That is one reason why they always say, express how you feel and avoid keeping negative feelings inside, no matter how big or small they may be. At the end of the day, it's going to be your health on the line.

This is where the beautiful practice of Journaling comes in! Some people simply because of their personality or social surroundings may not be willing or able to express themselves in this manner. In such an instance, all it takes is a piece of paper and a pen and simply start writing everything out. As you keep writing about the incident, the people involved, the feelings involved and your current state, you start to release and get alot of things out of your system that you realize does not need to be there. As you write, you can start to forgive and let it go. It is a great tool for personal development.

This technique is a very powerful form of releasing any negative or unwanted feelings or energies. You may write one page or you may write a book, whatever it is just keep writing and get out all that you do not need. You may also write about all that you desire and how that would make you feel, simply watch how the energy shifts and the healing takes place.

Happy journaling....

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Juniper Essential Oil

Juniper essential oil grows mainly around North America, northern Europe and from Siberia to southwest Asia. Extracted from blue-black berries Juniper is known by the ancient Egyptians and Greeks to combat epidemics. Around the time of the First World War French hospitals used Juniper in the sick wards to combat diseases such as small pox. Juniper berries are also used in making gin.

Properties: Antispasmodic, antirheumatic, depurative, diuretic, detoxifying, emmenagogic, purifying, rubefacient, stimulant and tonic.

Digestive System: Useful for indigestion, minor stomach upsets, flatulence, and colic.

Urinary System: Juniper is a strong antispasmodic and diuretic for treating cystitis and kidney inflammation. Good for alleviating water retention.

Respiratory System: A respiratory tract antiseptic, juniper is also good for convulsive coughs.

Skeletal System: Arthritic and joint problems such as gout will benefit from Juniper.

Skin: Good for disorders of the skin. Cleansing and toning Juniper is especially useful for treating oily skin and acne. Detoxifying for cellulite.

Emotion: Useful for treating sleep difficulties due to worry and tension. Juniper strengthens anyone feeling emotionally drained. It is particularly good for cleansing the mind of negative vibes accumulated from others. It revitalizes people who are cold and aloof and feel as though they are misunderstood and unsupported.

Juniper Essential Oil

Juniper essential oil grows mainly around North America, northern Europe and from Siberia to southwest Asia. Extracted from blue-black berries Juniper is known by the ancient Egyptians and Greeks to combat epidemics. Around the time of the First World War French hospitals used Juniper in the sick wards to combat diseases such as small pox. Juniper berries are also used in making gin.

Properties: Antispasmodic, antirheumatic, depurative, diuretic, detoxifying, emmenagogic, purifying, rubefacient, stimulant and tonic.

Digestive System: Useful for indigestion, minor stomach upsets, flatulence, and colic.

Urinary System: Juniper is a strong antispasmodic and diuretic for treating cystitis and kidney inflammation. Good for alleviating water retention.

Respiratory System: A respiratory tract antiseptic, juniper is also good for convulsive coughs.

Skeletal System: Arthritic and joint problems such as gout will benefit from Juniper.

Skin: Good for disorders of the skin. Cleansing and toning Juniper is especially useful for treating oily skin and acne. Detoxifying for cellulite.

Emotion: Useful for treating sleep difficulties due to worry and tension. Juniper strengthens anyone feeling emotionally drained. It is particularly good for cleansing the mind of negative vibes accumulated from others. It revitalizes people who are cold and aloof and feel as though they are misunderstood and unsupported.

How to Heal Neck Pain and Stiffness

One of the most common problems we see people suffer with is neck aches and pains. It can be extremely uncomfortable and is also usually accompanied by headaches, upper back aches and fatigue. There may be several reason reasons why people suffer from this such as poor sleeping positions, stress, etc. however to understand why neck pains actually occur we may need to dig a little deeper to see what's really going on inside you for it to have manifested in your physical body.

Your neck is that part of your body which enables you to turn your head to the left and right so that you can have a clear view of the world around you. Usually if someone is suffering from neck aches because you may be "unable to see the world around you the way you like it". It is often associated with inflexibility and unwillingness to see situations from another perspective. If you are someone who is very rigid in your way of thinking or likes things done in a certain way, refusing to accept others' standpoint overtime you will quite likely develop neck pains. It is not to say that the people around you may be right or wrong in what they are saying, you may be completely right, however it's the "struggle" that creates the problem. So you may want to ask yourself, is someone or a situation being a "pain in the neck"?

The affirmation you can repeat to yourself regularly is: "It is with flexibility and ease that I see all sides of an issue. There are endless ways of doing things and seeing things. I am safe."

Most neck pains are associated with a sense of feeling overburdened, a constant need to trying to fix people and situations, constant resistance and inflexibility. The pain usually intensifies when fears and feelings of helplessness start to kick in.

Some other affirmations to tell yourself which are also very effective are:
1) "I lovingly release others to their own lessons. I lovingly care for myself. I move with ease through my life."

2) "I have the right to be me. I forgive the past. I know who I am. I love myself and others."

Give yourself a few minutes to ponder over what is stated above. Are you feeling feelings that nobody understands you? Are you feeling a constant struggle within of being overloaded and helpless? This could apply to a family situation, friends and/or work. As these new belief systems get embedded into the mind, you will start to notice some drastic differences with the pain your neck. If you continuously repeat the suggested affirmations you are telling your mind that you are safe and flexible and it is okay that others think differently. It is essential to understand that it is not about agreeing with them, it is about understanding that it is okay for it to be different and even if you may not agree you can still accept it to be different and move past it.

Undoubtedly, you will notice the pain dissipate and you will be faced with the core issue of the pain that you can understand, learn and then release.

Note: If you are on medications or seeing a medical doctor, by no means should you stop. Please continue to seek medical help if the pain is very severe, however this article is intended to give you a better understanding of the condition from the mind and body approach.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Sun and You

We can find numerous different types of medical data that talk about the effects that the sun can have on you. Most of the time they are conflicting and often create alot of confusion about whether being out the sun is actually good for you or not. Well here is some vital information about the sun that may hopefully clear that confusion for you.

This year, in most parts of the world the summer seems to be getting hotter than usual. The sun is out and people are taking their annual leave from work and schools, to go on holidays and spend time out by the beaches and pools. The one thing we absolutely should not ignore is the effects that the sun has on us while we are indulging in our little pleasures.

The sun is great to improve the energy levels in the body, especially to open and balance the solar plexus chakra. It is also quite beneficial for people who may be suffering from depression, anxiety and stress. The sun's energy is very powerful as it can actually help you feel better, revived and refreshed. The energy of the sun has a regenerating effect on the body and skin and is great for healing ailments and diseases. As we are exposed to the rays of the sun, our body naturally starts producing Vitamin D which is also proven to be very beneficial for the body, primarily the bones.

Like all things, too much of anything is not good. As I mentioned the sun has regenerating effects so if you are constantly in the sun that regenerative trait has also been known to lead to certain cancers. It is also a good idea to use a nice sunblock on the face and body. The problem with sun exposure is the UV rays that emanates from the sun as it can be damaging for the skin, hair and nails, causing wrinkles, flakiness, redness, etc. Also, it may not be a good idea to directly expose your eyes to the sun, so please don't step out without a comfortable pair of sunglasses to protect the eye area. The sun can also be quite dehydrating so make sure you drink plenty of water, it's veryyyy important!!!

The bottom line... it's ok to spend some time out doors as long as you do it in moderation and with the use of sunscreen. The sun is most strong between 12.00pm and 3.00pm so its best to avoid those times if possible.

Do keep these suggestions in mind and go out there and have fun in the sun!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Art Therapy - Healing Through Art

It is very common to see people who find it difficult to voice their true feelings. Usually it may be because they may face a subject that makes them feel uncomfortable or they may just feel that they don't know how to relate what is going on in their minds. Not every one is blessed with the ability to verbalize their feelings, however they may be blessed with the ability to express through art.

Art Therapy is a means through which one can express their inner most feelings without having to say a single word. All that is required is some quite space, a sheet of papers and some colors in the form of pencils or paints and all they have to do is go with their heart. You don't have to think about it or plan it, just let it flow from within and loose yourself in what you are creating.

This type of art, puts your mind in a "thoughtless state" and just lets you be who you are good, bad or ugly. It is where true healing begins. Nobody needs to interpret the art. It maybe just for you, for your understanding and for your growth.

Art therapy is becoming increasingly popular over the years and has be known to unlock certain matters within you that you may not have known even existed. You start transforming your life, in a way that is only filled with love, joy and abundance.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Ingredients:

  • 10 teaspoons grapeseed oil
  • 7 drops of patchouli essential/fragrance oil
  • 4 drops jasmine essential/fragrance oil
  • 2 drops rose essential/fragrance oil

Blend ingredients well.

Warm up oil before doing any massage including your fingertips.

Healing with Crystals

Here are suggested crystals that can be used for a variety of different ailments, situations or body parts. Hold the crystal on you carrying the intention of healing or place directly on the affected part of the body.

  • Allergies: Chrysocolla, Zircon
  • Anxiety: Lapis Lazuli, Smoky Quartz, Citrine
  • Arthritis: Copper, Chrysocolla, Smoky Quartz
  • Asthma: Green Tourmaline, Rhodonite
  • Blood Pressure: Blood Stone, Turquoise
  • Business Increasing: Citrine, Cinnabar, Quartz
  • Broken Heart: Rose Quartz, Pink Topaz, Malachite
  • Cancer: Sugilite, Rhodocrosite, Flame Aura Quartz
  • Childbirth: Moodstone, Ruby, Jasper
  • Circulation: Ruby, Citrine, Pyrite
  • Constipation: Rhodochrosite
  • Colic: Malachite, Jade
  • Depression: Azurite, Kunzite, Topaz
  • Diabetes: Amethyst, Malachite, Owyhee Jasper
  • Digestion: Red Jasper, Gold Calacite, Citrine
  • Ears: Amber, Sapphire, Blue Fluorite
  • Energy Increasing: Peridot, Jasper, Amber
  • Entity Removal: Serpentine, Onyx, Obsidian
  • Fever: Chrysocolla, Blue Lace Agate
  • Grief: Obsidian, Lapis Lazuli, Rose Quartz
  • Hair: Quartz, Opal, Malachite
  • Headaches: Blue Lace Agate, Sugilite, Amethyst
  • Hearing: Sodalite, Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli
  • Infection: Galena, Ruby, Turquoise
  • Insect Bites: Lazulite, Monazite
  • Joints: Dioptase, Hematite, Albite
  • Kidneys: Honey Calcite, Carnelian, Jade
  • Liver: Azurite/ Malachite, Peridot
  • Lungs: Chrysocolla, Dioptase, Galena
  • Migraines: Jet, Tourmaline, Dioptase
  • Money Issues: Jade, Cinnebar, Citrine
  • Pain: Boji Stone, Sugilite, Malachite
  • Pancreas: Green Moss Agate, Alexandrite, Lodestone
  • Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS): Moonstone, Hematite
  • Smoking: Oregon Amethyst, Adventurine
  • Sore Throat: Angelite, Blue Lace Agate, Sodalite
  • Thyroid: Peridot, Lapis Lazuli, Chrysocolla
  • Weight (increasing): Epidot, unakite
  • Weight (decreasing): Labradorite, Picasso Stone, Serandite

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Aromatherapy for Cellulite

No matter how many times a day we go to the gym or how many diets we may be on, one of the most difficult things the get rid of is cellulite. Some times we may need an extra hand to get rid of this "hard fat" and the blend below is one I have used time and time again and has always proven to be very effective.

  • 100 ml of Sage carrier oil
  • 10 drops of Lavender essential oil
  • 10 drops of Marjoram essential oil
  • 10 drops of Rosemary essential oil
  • 10 drops of Geranium essential oil
  • 10 drops of Lemon essential oil
If you can not find Sage carrier oil, another option is to use any other carrier oil such as Almond or Olive and use 10 drops of Sage essential oil in it.

Mix the blend and massage your hips, thighs and belly. To specifically break down cellulite, it would be a good idea to use your knuckles, rolling and pinching techniques to really break down the fat. Also keep in mind that the detox effect is created when you work towards the lymph nodes. It also helps improve blood circulation. It is perfectly normal if it hurts a little bit, however the objective is to be firm and not to bruise the skin. If you do this everyday, in about 2-3 weeks you will notice your skin looking more firm and youthful, without the "orange peel" surface.

Aromatherapy for Alcoholism

There are several reasons why people deal with alcoholism. The most common is when it is on the genetic level and the other is an imbalance on an emotional or psychological level. However, too much of anything creates an imbalance in the body and mind.

The 2 aromatherapy oils that are most effective in treating alcoholism are:
  1. Clary Sage essential oil
  2. Fennel essential oil
There are several ways they can be used. An aromatherapy massage can be given mixing 3-4 drops in a carrier oil such as Almond or Olive oil. A few drops can also be put in a diffuser or oil burner. A couple of drops can also be put on a piece of cloth and the aroma can be inhaled.

These oils work on a mental, physical and emotional level as they decrease the influence of psychological reasons that push people to consume alcohol. It brings clarity to situations.

Note: By no means should the above be used as a replacement for medicine or other medical practices. It can be used in addition to any treatment.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Healing Properties of a Citrine

The Citrine stone is a powerful cleanser and regenerator. Carrying the powers of the sun this is an exceedingly beneficial stone. It's warming, energizing and highly creative. This is one of the crystals that never needs cleansing. Citrine energizes every level of life.

It is also one of the stones of abundance. This dynamic stone teaches how to manifest wealth and prosperity, success and all good things. It is also a generous stone and encourages sharing what you have and yet helps you hold on to your wealth. It has the power to impart joy to all who behold it. Gloom and negativity have no place around Citrine. It is a useful stone for smoothing group and family discord.

Psychologically, Citrine raises self esteem and self confidence. It enhances individuality, improves motivation, activates creativity and encourages self expression. This stone promotes enjoyment of new experiences and encourages exploring every possible avenue until you find the best solution.

Mentally, Citrine enhances concentration and revitalizes the mind. It is excellent for overcoming depression, fears and phobias. Citrine promotes inner calm so that wisdom can emerge. Wearing a Citrine pendant overcomes difficulties in verbalizing thoughts and feelings.

Citrine is an excellent stone for re-energizing and recharging. It is highly beneficial for reverse degenerative disease. Citrine stimulates digestion, the spleen and the pancreas. It negates infections of the kidney and bladder, helps eye problems, increases blood circulation, detoxifies the blood, activates the thymus and balances the thyroid. It has a warming effect and fortifies the nerves. Citrine is an excellent eliminator - it relieves constipation and removes cellulite. As an elixir, it is helpful for menstrual problems and menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, balancing the hormones and alleviating fatigue.

It also great when places in the wealth corner of your home/room to attract wealth.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Reiki - Universal Life Force

Reiki (pronounced Ray Key) is a combination of two Japanese words rei meaning universal and ki meaning life force/energy, therefore Reiki means Universal life force. It is an ancient laying-on of hands technique that uses universal life force (energy) to heal and balance the subtle energies within our bodies. Reiki addresses physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances. The Reiki practitioner serves as a vessel that supplies healing energies where they are most needed. Reiki's ki-energies flow out of the practioner's body to heal, however Reiki never depletes you own personal energy.

Reiki can be practiced with the breath, eyes, hands and body. The intent of healing is what starts the flow of healing energy. Reiki can be used to heal anything from plants, to health, to situations, to relationships and the list goes on.

Receiving an attunement enables you to immediately become connected to the Universal Source of Ki and have the ability to do Reiki. Reiki can be practiced by anyone.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Healing Properties of a Diamond

The Diamond is a symbol of purity. Its pure white light can help bring a sense of wholeness into your life. It bonds relationships, bringing love and clarity into a partnership. It is said to enhance the love of a husband for his wife, it is seen as a sign of commitment and fidelity.

Diamond has also been seen as a symbol of wealth for thousands of years and is one of the stones of manifestation, attracting abundance. The larger the Diamond, the more abundance there is. A large Diamond is also excellent for blocking electromagnetic stress and for protection against cell phones, there for they are great to wear as earings.

It is also considered to be an amplifier of energy. It is one of the few stones that never needs recharging. It increases the energy of whatever it comes in contact with and is very effective when used with other crystals for healing as it enhances their power. However, it can increase negative energy as well as positive energy. On a subtle level, it fills 'holes" in the aura, re energizing it.

Psychologically, the qualities that Diamond imparts include fearlessness, invincibility and fortitude. It also pin points anything that is negative and requires transformation. This beautiful stone also clears emotional and mental pain, reduces fear and brings about new beginnings. It is also a high creative stone that brings about creativity and inventiveness.

Diamond treats glaucoma, clears sight and benefits the brain. It also helps treat allergies and chronic conditions and rebalances the metabolism. Traditionally, it was used to counteract poisons.

Hyssop Essential Oil

Hyssop essential oil grows mainly around a Mediterranean region and is cultivated in Albania, the Balkan States, France and Hungary. The Hyssop herb grows to approximately 60 cm in height, bearing slim, pointed leaves and pale blue flowers. It usually grows in warm, dry, hilly places especially on rock slopes and sunny meadows. For ages it has been knows for its cleaning properties by the Greeks and Romans.

Properties: Tonic, Sedative, Expectorant, Stimulating, Antiseptic, Hypertensive, Antispasmodic.

Circulatory System: Is excellent in regulating blood pressure and can be used as a tonic in states of weakness and during convalescence. It is also known to be beneficial for cardio vascular disorders.

Respiratory System: Good for respiratory disorders as it liquefies mucus, promotes expectoration and relieves bronchial spams. It is an excellent remedy for cough, catarrhal conditions, influenza and bronchitis.

Nervous System: It strengthens the nerves and aids relaxation.

Skin: Very good for bruises and wounds.

Emotion: Clears the mind, creating a feeling of alertness. Brings deep emotions into focus, producing clarity.

This oil is best used in lower concentrations as it may cause irritation on sensitive people.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

How to Heal Asthma

Asthma as we all know is when a person is unable to breath properly. From a mind-body healing perspective this could give one alot to think about. If someone is suffering from asthma, yes it may be because of the condition of their lungs or esophagus, but then we could be compelled to think, why has their condition become so in the first place?

Usually there is an imbalance in the deeper levels of being before it manifests on the physical level. So since I have chose the topic of Asthma, lets see how the mind has been programed in people who suffer from this 'dis-ease'.

When someone suffers from Asthma it is usually because at a deeper level, they feel stifled and are "unable to breath for themselves". If someone has been very smothered by their parents, or guardians, or spouse and on some level accepted that as their way of life, they would quite likely be bound to suffer from asthma. Also if they were unable to cry as children and have suppressed themselves to shed tears, they will find it difficult to breath. In order to reverse this process, the mind as to be reprogramed with another thought process to ir-radicate the thought that is causing the asthma to appear.

The new thought pattern should be: "It is safe now for me to take charge of my own life. I chose to be free."

If babies or children are suffering from this it may be caused because of some deep rooted fear that makes them not want to live. The fear of life itself. The new thought pattern for that should be: "This child is safe and loved. This child is welcomed and cherished".

As mentioned above these are usually the mind body correlated reasons for asthma. However there may be an incidence of severe violence or the occurrence of an event that could have effected someone like that as well to have made them suffer from asthma.

In any case, if you can reverse the 'dis-ease', just by repeating these new thought process to yourself, what could be better than that. You have absolutely nothing to loose and you simply bring in more positivity into your life.

Let your mind believe that you are free and ready to experience life in a new way and let fresh oxygen flow into your system like never before!

How to Heal Asthma

Asthma as we all know is when a person is unable to breath properly. From a mind-body healing perspective this could give one alot to think about. If someone is suffering from asthma, yes it may be because of the condition of their lungs or esophagus, but then we could be compelled to think, why has their condition become so in the first place?

Usually there is an imbalance in the deeper levels of being before it manifests on the physical level. So since I have chose the topic of Asthma, lets see how the mind has been programed in people who suffer from this 'dis-ease'.

When someone suffers from Asthma it is usually because at a deeper level, they feel stifled and are "unable to breath for themselves". If someone has been very smothered by their parents, or guardians, or spouse and on some level accepted that as their way of life, they would quite likely be bound to suffer from asthma. Also if they were unable to cry as children and have suppressed themselves to shed tears, they will find it difficult to breath. In order to reverse this process, the mind as to be reprogramed with another thought process to ir-radicate the thought that is causing the asthma to appear.

The new thought pattern should be: "It is safe now for me to take charge of my own life. I chose to be free."

If babies or children are suffering from this it may be caused because of some deep rooted fear that makes them not want to live. The fear of life itself. The new thought pattern for that should be: "This child is safe and loved. This child is welcomed and cherished".

As mentioned above these are usually the mind body correlated reasons for asthma. However there may be an incidence of severe violence or the occurrence of an event that could have effected someone like that as well to have made them suffer from asthma.

In any case, if you can reverse the 'dis-ease', just by repeating these new thought process to yourself, what could be better than that. You have absolutely nothing to loose and you simply bring in more positivity into your life.

Let your mind believe that you are free and ready to experience life in a new way and let fresh oxygen flow into your system like never before!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Instant Face Brightener

Here is a very simple yet effective face brightening techniques that originate from south east asia. It hardly takes any time to do and the results are simply amazing!

1 egg yolk
2 table spoons of sugar

Mix together and apply to the face in gentle circular motions, avoiding the eye area. Don't forget to apply to your neck and upper chest area (decolletage).

Rinse and follow with a good moisturizer. This scrub can be used two to three times a week. The results are fabulous!

Feng Shui to Attract Love

In order to attract love into your life, according to feng shui there are 2 ways of doing it.

1)You could naturally pick the south west corner of your home which is the universal corner of love and romance

2) OR by using a bagua map, which would mean your love zone is the far left corner of your home or room.

The whole idea behind attracting love through feng shui is to think about how does your love area make you feel? It would be a good idea to use warm colors such as soft pinks, cream, off white, magenta and or any colors that make you feel or think about romance and love. If you enjoying putting up pictures or artwork on your walls, make you don't have anything that signifies being single, or not loving. Make sure they are created with a healthy burst of colors and represents togetherness, love or balance.

You can also use quartz crystals to stimulate the energy in that stone and avoid the element of water. If you have a bathroom that is located in south west corner, it would be a good idea to put up a five rod wind chime above the toilet. Too much water in the love area could result in arguments and unhappiness in the love life.

Fresh flowers in the area are an all time winner. You just cannot go wrong, however make sure the leaves are not pointed and the stems are thorn free. Also make sure to put things in pairs and not in ones or threes, to improve your love life.

The whole idea is to stimulate that zone that makes you think of love and bring you feelings of being in love and watch how it manifests. For people who are single and would like some luck in their love life, a Jasper crystal in that area will simply do the trick.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Thought of the Day

As long as there is breath in the body, there is life. When breath departs, so too does life. Therefore, regulate the breath. - The Hata Yoga Pradipika

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

Emotional Freedom Technique also known as EFT is based on the chinese meridian system; acupressure and acupuncture. This very simple technique was developed by Dr. Gary Craig and can be used to heal literally ANYTHING, yes I said ANYTHING in your life.

It is done by tapping on certain energy points in your face, body and hands to stimulate it and thus let the healing begin. A lot of doctors, nurses, psychologists and people who come from the background of conventional medicine are also using these techniques to help their patients. EFT can be practiced anywhere and by people of all ages.

Here is a link to get a free manual on how its done and some more information about EFT, but before you rush to see it, don't miss the video posted below. Happy Tapping!

EFT FREE MANUAL http://www.emofree.com/

The Ancient Chinese Technique of Cupping

Cupping is an ancient Chinese form of therapeutic massage, also known as ba guan. It is an effective means of moving stagnant qi (chi or energy) and invigorating the system. The technique involves the strategic fixing of shall glass jars at various points on the skin using a pump to create a vacuum. The suction created increases the local circulation of qi and blood, and dispels cold and dampness from the body.

Cupping is suitable for joint stiffness and pain and for relieving swelling. It is often practiced in conjunction with acupuncture and massage. A lot of hollywood celebrities are now enjoying this treatment too.

Tea for Cough and Sore Throat

Basil Leaf Tea
Helps ease coughs and sore throats

7g (1/4 oz) basil leaves
2 cloves
1 1/2 tsp ginger juice

Steep ingredients in hot water for one minute. Drink while hot. Can add honey to sweeten.

Champissage- Indian Head Massage

Champissage (Indian Head Massage) has been used in India for centuries to banish headaches, muscle tension, eye strain and stiff neck. It remains as popular as ever today, especially amongst Indian women who believe that a regular head massage, along with natural vegetable oils, keeps the hair healthy, shinny and really strong.

Traditional Indian head massage combines physical massage with the more subtle form of chakra or 'energy center' balancing. With its firm yet gentle rhythm, the massage helps unknot blockages, relieve tension and rebalance the body's energy with powerful effects. Advocates swear that just 30 minutes a week makes life brighter and better. The real beauty of the technique however rests in its simplicity - it can be done anywhere as long as there is a comfortable chair and a willing pair of healing hands.

Champissage- Indian Head Massage

Champissage (Indian Head Massage) has been used in India for centuries to banish headaches, muscle tension, eye strain and stiff neck. It remains as popular as ever today, especially amongst Indian women who believe that a regular head massage, along with natural vegetable oils, keeps the hair healthy, shinny and really strong.

Traditional Indian head massage combines physical massage with the more subtle form of chakra or 'energy center' balancing. With its firm yet gentle rhythm, the massage helps unknot blockages, relieve tension and rebalance the body's energy with powerful effects. Advocates swear that just 30 minutes a week makes life brighter and better. The real beauty of the technique however rests in its simplicity - it can be done anywhere as long as there is a comfortable chair and a willing pair of healing hands.

Thought of the Day

You will only find yourself, once you stop looking - Anonymous

The Power of Forgiveness

I FORGIVE YOU. 3 simple words. But what does it really mean to forgive? Do we REALLY forgive or do we still hold on to different types of ill feelings and resentment for years inside us just because we cannot let go of the pain? Forgive and forget? But how can we forgive if we cannot forget?

Forgiveness is a word that most people do not understand. Yet it is a word that we are taught ever since we are kids, by our parents, teachers and practically every religious book we have ever read. So.. what does it really mean to forgive? and why is it so important?

Forgiveness means that even though what happened to you is not ok, you are willing to let go of toxic or negative feelings associated that person or event. When you do not forgive someone, you hurt nobody but yourself. You believe that you are a victim and for as long as you believe you are the victim, you will always be nothing but that. When you choose to hold on to those negative feelings, you create stress in the body and mind, which in turn is the root cause of most diseases and disorders, for which there is really no logical reason for you to live with.

You can start by first forgiving your parents, your friends, your partner/s, and everyone around you, until you reach a point when you can start forgiving yourself. Forgiveness happens when you face the truth. It will hurt, but it is the only way you can make room in your life for pure unconditional love, that can heal you wholly and completely. By forgiving yourself you can forgive others and receive forgiveness, and only once that's in place can everything else around you change.

You know you have forgiven someone when you think about that person, hear their name or see them and no longer have an emotional reaction. When someone can touch what used to be a wound and it no longer hurts, then you know you have truly forgiven.

Heal yourself and shed all those negative emotions and watch how all your aches and pains start to vanish. It's the law of the universe, the Law of Attraction.

The Four Agreements

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Back to Basics

In the ancient civilizations before the birth of conventional medicine, one of the most common ways of treating people was by performing a variety of therapeutic massages for different ailments. A blend of herbal oils were poured on the skin and special techniques were used to release stress and tension. These techniques vary depending on what the imbalance is.

Long sweeping strokes is to warm and soothe the muscles while fast friction is to breakdown tension so is the kneading and pounding. Today in the east the practice of applying pressure on certain points of the body have also proven to be so effective that there is usually no need to take a painkiller, if suffering from any type of muscular ache.

One of the most beneficial types of massages is a back massage. A back analysis can also be done if the massage is given correctly to check for congestion or imbalances in the organs or other areas of the body. A good back massage should be relaxing yet uplifting. The pressure should be firm and tight muscles must be targeted correctly so as to avoid future complications.

It is very important for people to get massages done regular as a way of taking care of their over all health. People of the ancient times understood massages to be a necessity and not just a luxury unlike today. It is a preventative measure for any diseases or imbalances that may be caused due to stress. There are many spas and massage center in every area that offer massages however please make sure that you book in with a qualified therapist to obtain maximum results.

From all the different types of massages to choose from give your self at least an hour every 2 weeks to maintain overall balance and wellbeing.

What The Mind Believes It Achieves

We live in a world where we all know what's right and what's wrong, what to do and what not to do and what's possible and what's impossible. The reason for this is because as we grow up this is how we've conditioned our minds to think. We are full of judgements of what's right and what's wrong. Some people follow what life teaches them, some follow what religion teaches them while others just follow their environment (family, friends, peers, etc). In a nutshell these thought processes become our REALITY.

For instance, most people believe that stealing is wrong. However, if you were to take a little boy from the slums of Brazil, he grows up seeing his father stealing just so that he can feed the family. In this little boy's mind, stealing is not wrong, instead its a means of living. This is his reality. Hence, he will keep stealing as he associates it with something positive and no matter what anyone may say, he will always be successful doing it as he believes that that is the only way to survival no matter what he does in life.

We are all different in this way, and we all have our way of critical thinking. The one biggest problem with this mind set (amongst several others) is the judgement that only certain things are possible while others are not.

If we reflect and think, why would some things be impossible to some while it is very possible others? The Answer: Because we believe it can't happen. What we believe we achieve.

Research shows that if you completely believe in something, it is quite likely going to happen. For instance, no matter how many financials problems you are faced with, if you start to believe that you are abundant and financially secure, you absolutely will be. The same applies to weight loss, relationships, family and so forth. You can simply recreate your reality.

Think only positive thoughts and see how it manifests. You can start today by making a list of all the things you want to change in your life and write it on a piece of paper in past tense (as if it's already happened), read it everyday as you believe it and simply watch the magic happen.

What does 'Healing' really mean?

Everyone at some point in their lives is faced with a problem irrespective of whether it is physical, emotion, psychological or even spiritual. Most people often seem to think of healing as a quick fix to an issue, however the true meaning of healing is to identify the root cause of what it is that is causing that problem in the first place.

For example, for people who are unable to express themselves emotionally, verbally or physically at some point in time will start to develop either stiffness in the neck or infections in the throat. Usually one would think of getting a massage to relieve the stiffness or perhaps pop a lozenges for the throat irritation, however the real cause is the inability to express. Although the massage and lozenges would help, they would only be a temporary solution to the problem and it would just be a matter of time before it surfaces again. By identifying real problem, you can irradiate it for ever and also realize the other parts of our life it may be pouring into.

Some feel that they dont really care about the root cause, they just want it to be resolved, such at the stiffness for instance. That is completely up to your discretion however please note that as mentioned before it would be quite likely to come back once that emotion is triggered again.

Healing is ultimately about balancing body, mind and soul. It is about realizing that it may take one smal thing to create the biggest catastrophes. It urges us to take inventory about what is really important for us to hold on to and what really isn't but we are conditioned to believe it is. Today, release all that that is bad for you and embrace all that is filled with love and positivity and let the true healing begin.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Crystal Therapy

Crystal Therapy is performed by placing gemstones and crystals on various parts of the body to facilitate healing. Different gemstones and crystals have different energy vibrations/frequencies and its these vibrations that provide the healing effect. Different gemstones have a different effect on the body and mind. They can be used directly to the place that is experiencing discomfort or can be placed on the respective chakras. They can also simply be carried or worn as jewelry.

People are instinctively attracted to stones that their bodies need. This is usually the first step in the healing process. If you are faced with having to deal with any type of physical or mental disease or disorder, holding on to gemstones for that particular issue is prove to be quite helpful to you. The healing process will speed up significantly and you will experience an over all calm and inner peace.

They are also fabulous to give away as gifts.

For those interested in the history of crystal healing, research states that the practice of using gemstones for healing originates from Egypt thousands of years ago. Others believe it is even older, beginning in the ancient civilizations of Atlantis or even Lemuria. Most major religions of the world also tend to talk about different stones and its significance to man. Where ever it began, the one thing that is most important is that the benefits of these nature's gifts has helped heal civilization through all age of time.

Go grab some crystals for yourself today and see the difference. Here are some suggestions:
  • Amethyst: sedative energy, stability, strength & peace.
  • Aquamarine: courage, intellect, protection.
  • Citrine: positive energy, warmth, joy, optimism.
  • Garnet: commitment, devotion, love, stability.
  • Jade: harmony, peace, confidence.
  • Lapis Lazuli: knowledge, wisdom, perfection.
  • Malachite: loyalty, fidelity, reasoning ability.
  • Peridot: healing, protection.


Aromatherapy these days is something offered by every spa and salon around the corner from where you are probably sitting right now! The sad part is that with all the different types of oils and blends out there the true essence of aromatherapy has become completely saturated and people have moved away from the true use of this therapy.

Aromatherapy is a treatment done with essential oils that are extracted from various plant parts. It would be the root, the stem, the flower or even the fruit. These are known as the essences of the plant i.e essential oils. These oils are extremely potent and have very therapeutic effect on the body, mind and emotions. Essential oils can either be inhaled or applied to the skin. Due to the high potency factor of these oils they should never be applied directly and must be mixed in a base oil instead. Each oil has its own purpose and can be used on its own or mixed with a combination of oils to create a blend. Aromatherapy can be used for almost any aliment, disease or disorder and has been proven to be very effective in healing process.

Aromatherapy was discovered when a french scientist burnt his hands during an experiment that he was conducting in his lab. As soon as his hands got burned instinctively he put them in a bucket filled with lavender flowers, in a day his burns were completely healed. Since he realized that the lavender not only healed his hands completely but also left no scarring he was compelled to explore the world of plant based oils and hence aromatherapy was born.

The aroma of the oils also stimulate the olfactory nerve in the brain and create a healing effect. Please keep in mind that pregnant women are advised to avoid using aromatherapy oils during their pregnancy and breast feeding.

Aromatherapy oils are truly magic in a bottle and no matter what you may be suffering from there is definitely a blend to cure it. Please note that blends should be created only by qualified master blenders or aromatherapy practitioners.